How long does ground beef last in the refrigerator?

ground beef

Ground beef is one of the most in-demand staple foods in the United States. 

It’s an important ingredient in meatloaf, lasagna and burgers. Being a rich source of protein and also being budget friendly when purchased in larger quantities storing ground beef in the refrigerator can be challenging. 

A very common question that we come across is how long can we store the ground beef in the refrigerator? 

The answer to it is very straightforward. 

If the beef is ground freshly, the optimal storage duration for the ground beef is one to two days. 

There is a reason why the storage duration for ground beef is considerably lower compared to other sources of protein. 

Why can’t we store ground beef for a longer duration?

The ground beef has certain characteristics. 

These characteristics encourage the growth of bacteria and also allow them to thrive on them. 

Being very rich in protein, pathogenic bacteria love to not only grow but also survive at temperatures around 40 to 140°F. 

What’s interesting to note is that the ground beef also grows even when stored in the refrigerator, but just at lower rates.

The interesting part is that if it is kept in the refrigerator for a longer time, it will also allow the pathogenic bacteria to multiply at an even faster rate. This is the reason why ground beef cannot be kept in the refrigerator for very long. of time. 

On top of it, the moisture level and pH level make it easy for these pathogenic bacteria to grow.  

For this reason, the maximum time that the ground beef can be kept in the refrigerator is 2 days. 

Storing ground beef within the refrigerator needs to follow certain guidelines

While you’re shopping the beef, make sure that you pick it up just before the checkout. 

As long as it stays cold, it is best for your health. If it takes longer than 30 minutes for you to get home, consider bringing in a cooler in your car so that you can keep the beef refrigerated in it. 

Placing the package with the ground beef on the lowest shelf in the refrigerator is always recommended. 

Lastly, don’t forget to consume the ground beef within two days of your purchase. 

Beef should be placed in a heavy duty aluminium foil or in an airtight container so that the air does not pass through as much as possible. 

This anaerobic condition prevents the growth of any bacteria within the ground beef. Moreover, repackaging the ground beef into smaller sizes makes it easier for them to be kept in the refrigerator, ideally for at least 12 hours.

How to know if the beef is in good condition?

Identifying whether the beef is in good condition is always something that you need to depend on your senses for.

Look into the colour. If the colour is red and pink or a slightly brown, it’s still in a better condition. However, if there is a tinge of grey, green or any other off color, it’s better to throw away the beef. 

The texture is critical when it comes to cooking the beef. When it comes to the texture, ground beef has a slightly easier, stronger touch, but if it is slimy or sticky, it’s time that it is already spoiled. 

Lastly, the odour of the beef can be very mild to a little strong, but if it’s overwhelmingly off then it’s better that you throw it away as it’s gone rancid.