Welcome to our comprehensive guide, “100 Foods That Start with the Letter P.” Whether you’re a culinary enthusiast looking to expand your ingredient repertoire, a food blogger seeking inspiration for your next post, or simply curious about the diverse array of foods beginning with the letter P, this list is for you.
1. Paella

2. Pancakes

3. Pancetta

4. Paneer

5. Panettone

6. Panini

7. Papaya

8. Paprika

9. Parfait

10. Parmesan cheese

11. Parsley

12. Parsnip

13. Passion fruit

14. Pasta

15. Pasta salad

16. Pastrami

17. Pate

18. Pâté choux

19. Pav bhaji

20. Pavlova

21. Peach cobbler

22. Peaches

23. Peanut butter

24. Peanut sauce

25. Peanuts

26. Pear tart

27. Pears

28. Peas

29. Pecan pie

30. Pecans

31. Peking duck

32. Pelmeni

33. Penne pasta

34. Pepper

35. Pepperoni

36. Perch

37. Pesto

38. Pesto sauce

39. Pho

40. Piccata

41. Pickled cucumbers

42. Pickled herring

43. Pickles

44. Pico de gallo

45. Pie

46. Pie crust

47. Pilaf

48. Pimiento

49. Pine nuts

50. Pineapple

51. Pinto beans

52. Pistachios

53. Pita bread

54. Pita chips

55. Pizza

56. Pizza dough

57. Plantains

58. Plum

59. Plum cake

60. Po’ boy sandwich

61. Poblano peppers

62. Polenta

63. Pollock

64. Pomegranate

65. Pomelo

66. Popcorn

67. Poppy seeds

68. Pork

69. Porridge

70. Portabella mushrooms

71. Porterhouse steak

72. Portuguese tart

73. Potato chips

74. Potato salad

75. Potato soup

76. Potatoes

77. Poultry

78. Prawns

79. Pretzels

80. Prime rib

81. Prosciutto

82. Protein bars

83. Provolone cheese

84. Prune juice

85. Prunes

86. Pudding

87. Pudding pops

88. Puff pastry

89. Pulao

90. Pulled pork

91. Pumpernickel bread

92. Pumpkin

93. Pumpkin bread

94. Pumpkin seeds

95. Pumpkin soup

96. Punch

97. Pupusas

98. Purée

99. Purple cabbage

100. Puy lentils

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